Sunday, 29 July 2012

I'm back

So I'm back from holidays. I have been for just over a week actually and have been busy catching up on work (and stressing!)
Omg holiday was amazing though - A much needed break.
If anyone ever goes to Vanuatu you must do a tour of the mele cascades!

Ok so back to the situation at hand. Nothing has really changed. Although I found that last week my hormones were wack. I got really emotional and stressed easily, finding it uncontrollable and leading me to become overwhelmed.
I'm a lot more composed this week, back to normal but this emotional outburst last week has my hopes up that something's going on.
3 days till my OB appointment and hopefully she can shed some light!
I also have to make an appointment with my gp as I had my prolactin retested yet again when I got back (should be way down from my relaxing break!) and the results would be in.

Friday, 6 July 2012


Im half way through my holidays, amazing so far!
Today i decided to take a hpt to make 99% sure I wasn't pregnant before I started taking the anti-malaria tablets.
It was playing on my mind too much, what if i am? Because If I fell pregnant I really wouldn't know. And I didn't want to risk it.
As expected (and half hoped) was a bfn. Was a relief and tiny bit disappointing at the same time.
Dp felt the same but was hopeful saying the next one we take will be a BFP after we start trying when we come back from holidays.