Wednesday 20 June 2012

A plan

So I've made a plan for the next month.

Reluctantly back to bc for the next month. Me and dp don't like condoms but were going to have to use them for a little while.
I can't take the pill, and don't want anything semi permanent since we want to ttc in a few months (otherwise I'd get a IUD). So that's it for now.
Basically we're going on holidays next month down the coast then up the coast, then overseas to Vanuatu (yay!!).
Only problem there's a small risk of malaria on the island. That means anti-malaria medication.
No way do I want to risk conceiving whilst on those pills - I've searched around and apparently there are too many risks.
Has anyone taken them while ttc/pg, or know anyone who has?
(I plan on taking either doxclycline or malarone, I've taken doxcycline before and had no issues but apparently it's the more detrimental drug...)

So as much as I want to let nature do its thing... not in July.
There goes the romantic notion of conceiving on a tropical island!
Anyway, 5 more days until i get my blood test results... Kind of want to ring up just to see, but i know they won't tell me over the phone!


  1. Sorry, no experience with these meds.. Let us know how your bloods turn out. Won't your doc do the over the phone thing? Mind you I do know some are complete and utter butts and prefer to charge their $70 to literally read off the pathology report...

    1. It's the medical centres policy for 'privacy reasons'.
      She doesn't rip me off though. She bulk bills and tells me to book double appointments when I want a pap as they dont bulk bill paps. Lol.
      At least by going in I can get a copy and study them further! Lol

  2. We took malarone when we went to Peru in the fall - we were in the Amazon jungle for 8 days. We stopped taking it a few days in because it made us nauseous and gave me a headache. It was hot and we spent a lot of time in a motorized canoe going up/down river so it was realy miserable feeling at all under the weather. The side effects just didn't seem worth it at the time considering the risk of malaria was so incredibly low and I saw very few mosquitos while we were there (we were lucky because apparently it can be quite bad!). If you're worried about malaria I think it makes sense to take something. I haven't heard of the other drug, it wasn't brought up to us when we went to the travel clinic here.

    Have an awesome trip!

    1. Thanx!
      Maybe I'll stick to doxycycline since I had no side effects before. I think there's a lot of mozzies in Vanuatu. When I was looking at places to stay all the beds had nets above the beds!

    2. Lol - three cheers for mosquito nets! They're the best. We stayed in "huts" in the jungle and the reality is that the mosquito net was the only thing between us and all the creatures of the night! If you didn't have any side effects from the doxycycline I would stick with it. We weren't terribly ill from the malarone but you want to feel great when you're on vaca.


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